· Working conditions are unattractive, e.g., lack of remote or hybrid work, lack of development opportunities, or lack of work-life balance.
· Job responsibilities change during the application process.
· Strictly timed and organised interviews: when the interviewer strictly follows a prepared interview guide without really listening to what the candidate has said.
· Interviewers are reserved, unclear, or not well-prepared, e.g., they cannot provide direct insight into the job description, team, or department.
· Giving false expectation, for example regarding the salary, a positive outcome of the interview process, the company culture and future team.
· Interviewers ask the same questions too often or use inappropriate terminology such as "work hard, play hard".
· Disorganised interview process: interview process takes too long, applicants do not receive feedback in timely manner, or interviewers give unrealistic timelines for the hiring process.
· Candidates don't like it when the corporate culture or work environment is described as "we are a family." Many associate this phrase with fuzzy boundaries, an exaggerated sense of loyalty, and a lack of ownership.